Monday, March 28, 2016

Another Stab at the U.S. Constitution

The Constitution was written a long time ago and making any changes to it happens too infrequently. Below are some issues brought p.

Term Limits for Federal Judges - As stated by Jamal Greene the average lifespan of an American in 1787 was about 36 years old. Now with modern medicine the life expectancy is about double that. There should be fixed terms much like other countries. The tenure should be long enough to ensure independence from political patronage and short enough that we remain a country of laws and not of men.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment - This is a very fine line and hard to determine what is considered cruel. To me solitary confinement is cruel and shouldn't be done. Cruel mental punishment is just as bad as say waterboarding a physical punishment. There's also the issue of some crimes not fitting the punishment. Some punishment is given out to they can be made an example which is not fair. There should be more emphasis placed on reform not punishment.

Allow Naturalized Citizens to Be President - This law was made so someone from another country couldn't come here and take over immediately. This was understandable during a time when there were only 13 states. I would want my president to be a citizen of this country. There should simply be a rule that someone who wants to run for president be a citizen of the country for 10 or even 20 years.

Restore Federalism - States should have more authority over it's citizens than the federal government. I think federal power should be limited by what the state wants and it should be able to overrule a federal law.

Do away with the electoral college - This one is a no brainer to me. A popular vote nowadays would make more sense since we have more educated citizens then when it was a bunch of farmers in our early days. It would also do away with "swing states". Nowadays a republican wouldn't really try to win New York's vote since it almost always votes democrat in a race.

End the Monopoly on Amendments - This is another that states should have rights to propose amendments and an easier process to amend the constitution is necessary. Our world is constantly changing and need a constitution that is more fluid.

Get rid of the right to bear arms - I do not agree with this one. I believe we should have the right but there should be more laws governing that right. Maybe having to renew licenses more often and make it harder to procure weapons.

Treaties are laws - Treaties the federal government made should be law.

Amend the commerce clause - We the people should vote on economic policies. Especially subsidized healthcare and states should be able to decide what trades they want to make with other states (not other nations).

Rewrite First Amendment - I think this is kind of redundant and we pretty much understand that our rights shouldn't be infringed upon based on religion or if we wish to petition something.

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